This page has moved to a new address.

A Renaissance Woman


Day 30 of Thanks

This is the last of the 30 days of thanks. It's a little sad that it's over. Writing everyday helped me focus on the positive in my day. It really created a healthy mind set for me. The last day of thanks for me is our Christmas tree. It's all decorated and it looks great. We get a real tree every year so the whole house smells good. I don't know if it will survive though. The baby isn't very kind to it. LOL - He tried to help with the lights and ornaments in his own way. He's so funny. Our oldest son had a blast decorating. He loved seeing all the ornaments that he has made over the years at school and ones that he chose to buy. The tree is good and it's putting our family in the holiday season. :)



Day 29 of Thanks

Woo Hoo! Today I am thankful that I finally got my desk caught up. I had been working on sorting and filing and writing checks for more than 8 days. I'm finally caught up with work or at least it's at a more manageable stage. It is such a relief. I'm actually going to make it to bed by 10pm. I can't wait to visit all my MM's and blogger buddies over the weekend. I feel like I can breathe now because the monkey is off my back. Who knows what is waiting for me next week! Scary. LOL



Thursday Thirteen

13 Things I love about my grandma.

1.) She listens to me.
2.) She's always happy to see me and my children.
3.) She's never to busy to visit with me and my children.
4.) I don't need an invitation to come by.
5.) She gives great advice.
6.) She's always on my side.
7.) She makes the best snacks.
8.) She played games with me all the time as a child.
9.) She was never too busy to watch me as a child.
10.) She's a great back scratcher.
11.) She loves my kids like she loves me.
12.) She's a straight shooter.
13.) She is going to be 80 years old on the 1st and she is very healthy!


Day 28 of Thanks

Today I am thankful to the creation of slide shows. I love them because you can see a lot of photos quickly. It's like looking through a photo album. I know that's the point but it's cool nonetheless. They have all these neat ways of adding your own flavor to them. You can change the background color and design. You can put music or videos to it. You can write your own text. I don't know if you will really stay for this whole show but if you do enjoy yourself! Oh and I created another one when we went to Ren Fest but that was different software. Either way it's all fun to me. :)


Hot Topic!

Heard on the radio this morning that Massachusetts is trying to pass a no spanking law. I found this article:

Parents who spank their kids - even in their own homes - would be slapped by the long arm of the law under an Arlington nurse’s proposal to make Massachusetts the first state in the nation to outlaw corporal punishment.

Kathleen Wolf’s proposed legislation will be debated at a State House hearing tomorrow morning. More here -




Wordless Wednesday

Day 27 of Thanks

Today is tough to figure out what to be thankful for because it has been such a day full of pressure. I can think of several things to complain about. As I'm trying to figure out what to be thankful for I remembered the image today of me going down on one knee and opening my arms. My Super Star came running to me with arms open wide and he gave me a great big hug! Yeah, that's something to be thankful for. Oh, and then last night he and I were hanging out in our family room watching Dancing with The Stars. - LOL

He started this head bob movement with a knee bend. Clearly it was his baby version of dancing! He understands the word dance. In order to show his new moves off today to my coworkers here, I told him, "Dance!" and he did the head bob and knee bend. It was a riot! We all had a good giggle and I'm thankful for that!


Funny Baby Clothes - Oh Snap!

Is this a hoot or what? I'm not a fan of frogs at all! They freak me out. I think I was traumatized as a child by my older brothers or something. LOL - This is too cute though and I want it. I entered to win at Mamanista and if I win I'm picking this one for my Super Star. I blogged about another recent contest for Trendy Tadpole held by Contests for Moms. My choice then was the Buddah Belly shirt. My Super Star has a buddah belly too and when he toddles around the house he leads with it. LOL - Funny to watch! Trendy Tadpole has lots of neat designs and is owned by a wahm and you know I'm a strong supporter of wahms! Check her out for your holiday shopping!

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Day 26 of Thanks

When my Q moved out we turned her room into the "Family Room." I'm in it right now and the internet connection is so poor! This room went from hot pink to a cool green. She picked out the color. We bought new carpet for the room and moved about 9 book shelves up here. We also moved the big screen tv and have a home theater system. We splurged on this room. My dh even stained the trim for the baseboards. It's a whole new room and I'm thankful for it. I can relax in here. No dogs are allowed in this room and there are minimal toys in here. We have a reclining love seat and lots of throw blankets.
The television has been very disturbing this evening. Nancy Grace had the story about baby Grace and it really make me sick to my stomach and yes I even cried a bit. It's just too sad for words. Then I caught a bit of My Sweet 16. What is this? I cannot fathom that kind of event for any of my children. It's out of control which I guess is the point. My IQ is lowering even further as I catch this show A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. A new spin on the bisexual bachelorette. It's all MTV and I'm just sad because yes I was one of those children that grew up with MTV. I remember the very first video on MTV. It was Video Killed The Radio Star and it opened up a whole new world - Music Television. Ah good times! But now there is so much change that I just can't keep up and I really don't want to. Now there is a show on called Parental Control. The boyfriend is always so disrespectful to the parents. It kills me! Then again it has to be scripted because no father in their right mind would allow this! No way.....
But even with all the tv weirdness I still have this wonderful room to chill in and I'm thankful for that! LOL



Day 25 of Thanks

When 30 days is over it sure is going to be strange. What ever will those of us do who are participating? That was just a side note. OK - Today I'm thankful for music. As a recap I'm very behind. My coworker's family got sick and I just worked alone for nearly 2 weeks. She's now back to work but we are still 2 weeks behind. I'm playing catch up. Yes, I'm one of those people that worked on Thanksgiving. Crazy, I know but here it is, I'm thankful for music! Yes, it can speed me up or slow me down. I have many songs downloaded on my NaBloPoMo page. If you click on my badge there in the right hand column it will take you to my off the wall music selection. I have the code for the player but I don't know if it will work here. Let's see if it does...

Oh how cool is that? It does work! There it is folks I'm thankful to music and how it inspires me to keep going. Good night all. I will be blog hopping soon but work sort of pays the bills. LOL


Tech Talk - Podcasting

As a business owner I have been approached about different forms of marketing, podcasting being the latest. I had no idea what this was but I'd heard the term before. To break down what podcasting is, imagine having your own radio talk show! How cool would that be? All you need is a microphone, computer and internet access. I'm sure you need some simple podcasting software but this is something any one can do if they really would like to explore it. People are getting bored with the same old talk radio and there are some pretty creative alternatives out there. There is a podcast review site in Canada that has been very successful for the last three years. Now there are more review sites entering the market in the U.S. one example is Boutique
The owner of this site is Krista and she is trying her hand as a podcasting review site. The tech term for the interviewer is called podcaster. I recently had the pleasure of working with her on an interview. I have to tell you that I was really nervous. If you ever find yourself being interviewed here are some tips on what not to do!
1.) Do not go in without a script!
2.) Make sure you know what you are going to be asked so you know how to answer. (Yes, I knew what I was going to be asked.)
3.) Avoid - Um
4.) Avoid - Uh
5.) Avoid - Any unknown noises that might make you sound like you are unprepared!
If you would like to have a good giggle you take a listen here. Just click on the banner below.



Day 24 of Thanks

Today I am thankful to a little cutie pie named Lily. She looks adorable in this photo. I met her and her mom through MM. She made her this big red bow to match her outfit! She is a reminder to me that time is precious and how we spend it with our children is even more so. They grow too fast and even though Moms will always be needed, we are needed a little less each day. When you have had your fill for the day and you are at your wits end take a deep breath and remind yourself that this to shall pass. Savor the noise because at some point they all leave the nest.


So Fitting


Winter Oreo

Now that everything has made it to the left side of my desk I had to take a break to tell you about the new Winter Oreo's package. I pick up Oreo's for the kids when they have seasonal packages. I'm sucker for the red or green Christmas time filling and Easter with the pastel colored filling. Yes, I take a few for myself, what parent doesn't snack on their kids goodies? I want to tell you about this packaging that they have now. It's an easy open pull tab on the top! It doesn't show it on this photo here which is a crying shame but if you get a hold of one of these packages your in trouble. On each side of the package where you would normally open it there are stop signs on both sides. It says Open with Pull Tab on Top! I think they had someone like me in mind when they created this packaging. lol - I hate the old package because you couldn't keep your cookies fresh and the paper would rip and I would end up putting them in a freezer bag. I would pretty much be done with the cookies. Now, I'm in trouble because I can take a few and pull the seal back down and that's it, super easy, no fuss, no mess. If you are a closet Oreo snacker then you are in for a real treat!


I'm not going to cry...

LOL - Tackle it Tuesday has turned into Sort it Saturday. You should see my desk it's overwhelming. There are piles and piles of papers, bills and receipts. It's just madness. I took some Non Drowsy cold medicine and you would think that I would learn by now that for me it's NOT true! I always get drowsy and there is so much to do. I need my wits about me. We were going to get a tree and decorate but NO it's raining outside and it's sooooooooo cold. Did we get wood yesterday for a fire? Of course not! Why didn't we get wood? Oh well, maybe next weekend. I have so many products that I want to review. Maybe when the medicine wears off I can get to it. Ugh! Later Gators. There is a desk that needs to be sorted.



Day 23 of Thanks

Today I'm am thankful to understand that I am human. I make mistakes. I make lots of mistakes. Sometimes they are little and sometimes they are big. The positive spin is that problem solving becomes more of the issue than the reason of the mistake. It quickly becomes how do we fix this? Fine we have a flub to deal with now how quickly can we recover? It's amazing. I remember a time when I use to dwell and it would eat me alive all of the why, why, why? There is too much time wasted in that vicious circle. Now, I just want it solved so I can move on. I can examine the how it happened after the problem is resolved so I don't make the same mistake twice. I'm glad I can acknowledge these kinds of things. It's been one heck of a ride.



Day 22 of Thanks

I'm just glad it's all over! There is way too much pressure over the holidays. It's suppose to be a time of family gatherings and relaxation. Some people can really enjoy it and thrive off of all the planning. Me, I'm just trying to hang on as we fly by all these holidays! Buy, buy, buy, rush, rush, rush. It's hard to keep up.


Thursday Thirteen

13 reasons why I am glad Thanksgiving is over!

1.) My dh will go back to work.
2.) My kids will go back to school.
3.) I no longer have to stress out about going to someone else's home.
4.) I'm not a fan of turkey.
5.) I don't have to worry about visiting with people I don't know.
6.) The stores will be open again.
7.) I don't have to listen to football games so loudly I can't hear anyone else speak!
8.) We don't have to eat turkey for left overs.
9.) We can get our Christmas tree and begin to decorate.
10.) I can begin to mentally prepare for Christmas.
11.) We can start listening to Christmas music.
12.) We get to have Christmas at home.
13.) My daughter is going to sleep over on Christmas Eve!



All of December? - I'm in!

There are a lot of things going on for the holiday season. It is so hard to keep up. No worries, because I've got an interesting one for you to check out! You want to give me something every single day in December? That's like a month long Christmas! How cool is that? Charmies gathered up some wahms and there are some new ones that I haven't even heard of yet. I'm going to do some serious holiday shopping for myself. You know what I always say, "Support a wahm and enter to win, nothing to lose and only gifts to gain!"


Day 21 of Thanks

Today I am thankful to be caught up or at least mostly caught up. :)
I'm so very tired but it was worth it just to do what we did today. I'm still having so many problems with product shots. The lighting is just frustrating! There are so many factors to it, sunlight, no light, upstairs or downstairs, outside or inside??? Ahhhh

It's ok though because I have maybe one more thing I am going to do today and the rest is going to be spent preparing to give thanks tomorrow! Woo Hoo.


Wordless Wednesday


Day 20 of Thanks

Today I am thankful to the person who created the paper cutter. Yes, it seems odd, but after spending 3 hours cutting garment labels with a paper cutter I'm glad it was invented. There were thousands to be cut and luckily my sweet Q came over to help me and I'm thankful for that. I needed the help so badly. It's a work thing and everything has caught up with me. I'm a little overwhelmed but the stress is leaving because that is 3 more hours that I can now dedicate to something else! Sweeeet. I didn't touch my email or computer except for twice today and that is something. I had to get caught up. I have new garments to get out there to those babies in the world. Very exciting stuff. Stay tuned......


So Sick of Spam

Seriously! Does anyone know how to stop this? I've got a company blog and luckily I have that set to moderate comments. If I didn't then you would see all the wonderful ads for enlargements of the male unit and then some! I don't know what happened or how they have found me. Everything was nice and peaceful until about 2 weeks ago and now I get it every single day. We have a post for 5 Minutes for Mom which is causing a stir in the spam world. If someone knows how to stop this all together let me know. I have reported each post as spam but they just keep coming! I am now on a quest.



Tech Talk - RSS, Feeds

Simple explanation for RSS, XML or Atom: if you see these links on a web page it means that you can get updates to that site without having to visit that site in your browser. There is the standard symbol for this are you ready? Here it is.
You can add that little symbol to your toolbar. For example you will see that symbol on my blog. If you upload it to your toolbar then you can find out what my latest blog posts are without actually visiting my site. It's multi-tasking at it's finest.
Actually it gets better than this and here is how. What if you don't always remember to check your toolbar? I'm guilty of this all the time. You can actually sign up to get the RSS feeds sent to your email. I do this with all the bloggers I keep up with because I know I'm going to forget! If you go to my site you will see a box requesting your email address if you would like to receive my feed via email.
How does this work? Easy! If you have a blog you can sign up to feedburner or feedblitz which is a free third party service that will track who is subscribing to your feed. They both have the email option. They give you a code that you can place on your blog that gives your readers the option to be notified via email aka subscribe. They have a lot more tools than that but there you have it southernmom the quick definition of a feed.
If you would like to see a feed in action and inside a widget cause you know I love my widgets! Click here and you will see them both in action at the same time.
Super Cool Example Right Here!


Tech Talk - Cross Comments

Short answer! Cross Comments and why I like them. MM's know if you have an external blog you can have your posts feed into that journal. That is a really cool feature for bloggers! Why?
Simple, we don't have to write twice and you don't have to worry about finding us. You get to read it all at once. Bloggers love comments! For real we love comments and it's that great feeling of knowing, hey someone is listening to me even if my spousal unit isn't. lol - seriously.
OK - So the cross comment feature allows MM's comments to show up on our blogs! Mine was not working at first. Here is why. I use blogger and in the settings , site feed option I put in my feedburner url into this option box.Why? I thought it needed to be there! I don't know what I'm doing. lol

If you have burned your post feed with FeedBurner, or used another service to process your feed, enter the full feed URL here. Blogger will redirect all post feed traffic to this address.

See it says right there if I have a feed url to put it there so I did. Well MM didn't like it. After many days and emails and screen shots we figured out this was my cross comment problem. Once I removed my url feed the MM comments appeared on my blog and I was happy!

If anyone knows what that little feature does let me know because after all I'm still learning. :)

There you are southernmom the explaination of cross comments.


Day 19 of Thanks

Today was a reminder to be thankful that smoking is not a part of my life on a regular basis any more. My grandmother, grandfather, mother and I smoked but not any more. Every one of us stopped eventually and I am so thankful for that. To those of you trying to quit I wish you the best of luck. I know it's hard. But lately with my bf mother's illness it has been a constant reminder for me. Visiting her in the hospital while she has to have breathing treatments because she can't breathe stinks. Before I would watch in disbelief at how someone can have emphysema and still continue to smoke. She has quit since this past visit to the hospital. She says it's been the worst episode trying to gasp for air. Some people can stop cold turkey, others use patches or pills. Obviously there is something to that nicotine if people are still paying all those dollars a day to get a fix. I understand this and that was me several years ago. Now that it's gone I am sensitive to the smell. I can always tell when my daughter has been around a smoker it's in her hair and clothes. What bothers me the most is that with my bf's mom going through all of this she is still lighting up. It makes me crazy! I just want to slap her upside the head and say stop it! Throw them away can't you see your mother? I don't want that to be you or your husband! Stop it! Let it go! Let this be an example for both of you! You are killing yourselves. But I don't, and I'm thankful for that. Some things are better left unsaid. Why? What kind of friend am I? The kind that knows she already knows all of that and at a time like this that's not what she needs to hear. All she needs to hear right now is "How can I help?"


Just in Case.....

If you find that your toddler has gotten a hold of some charcoal and has eaten it. Don't panic! Why? Because mine just did and I panicked. I quickly removed the charcoal from his mouth and immediately gave him milk! The last time he ate toothpaste and vomited this is what we were told to do. I figured I would try this while trying to figure out what to do. First I ask my MM's, search google and call poison control. By the way if you have a poison emergency call 1-800-222-1222. The very nice lady at the center said it's non toxic (thank you God!) and the most that could happen is diarrhea. Ewww!

So how did he get a hold of the charcoal you might ask? That's a great question. The boys went out in the backyard hunting sticks. They were pretty quiet! That's what I get for trying to multi-task. They came back in and I saw this black slobber. He must have gotten it off the porch because there was a little bit left over from a bag that is no longer out there. It's dark outside so the eldest son couldn't have seen it. Just another adventure in this busy house.


If I had a little girl...

I would love to dress her up in hair bows and tutus! If I knew a little girl in the family I would have to enter this contest from Laci Jo's Creations. She's giving away a $50 gift certificate to her online shop! How cool is that? Talk about your early Christmas shopping. Like I always say, support a WAHM and enter a contest! You have nothing to lose and only gifts to gain. If you would like to enter to win click on over to Boutique Flair. Krista is the creator of this new site that if offering podcasts for reviews. How up to date is that in the tech world? Good Luck!



Day 18 of Thanks

And on the seventh day she rested. I have no idea what has happened in the last 24 hours. I have no mojo. This morning I didn't dress for success. Truth be told I stayed in my penguin pj's all day. I didn't get up and make coffee. I haven't had a cup all day. I took two naps today and I'm still tired. I unloaded the dishwasher and folded 3 loads of laundry. I checked my email twice and caught up quickly. I stayed off the computer all day. So what could I be thankful for? The coffee bean! Yes, apparently my daily dose of java is what helps me move at the speed of light. It's not even star bucks or any other fancy coffee just Folgers will do the trick. Coffee with cream and sugar is my go go juice. I'm thankful for the rest that I got today. I must have really needed it.



Day 17 of Thanks

Today I am thankful to a tired toddler. Sound strange? Maybe, but to me that is one of the cutest times of the day/evening. When my Super Star is tired he does the cutest things. One of them is he toddles about without any balance and falls but he gets back up again. Over and over he does this and it makes me laugh so hard. He stands on one end of the room and I say, "come give me a hug!" He takes off running (as fast he can) and tackles me with the best hug! He laughs and giggles and rubs his head on mine and he smiles. He's so silly and goofy. It's just the best! He's so loving and affectionate and I'm thankful for that!


Tech Talk - Comments - Update

This was mentioned on Laura William's blog and I didn't understand it at first and didn't work for me when I first tried it. The second time I tried it, it worked so it makes sense to me now! One more thing I just noticed, I went to a blog that did not have their word verification option turned on. This will not work if the blogger doesn't have this option working. If you are using blogger go to your settings, click on comments, and scroll down until you see show word verification for comments, choose yes and save!

If you leave comments and you use Blogger then you really want your hyperlinked name to direct people to your blog. For example, if I am not logged into my blogger account when I leave a comment and you click on my name because I have been to your site you won't see anything. It won't even take you to my profile. I remain this mystery person. That is not my goal. I would like for people to come and see my blog too. Now if I am logged into my account when I leave a comment and you click on my hyperlinked name it will take you to my profile. Again, not what I am trying to accomplish. But if you click on my avatar which shows up on my comments when I am logged in it will take you to my blog. To avoid ALL of this nonsense and get people straight to your blog do this:
Leave your comment
put in your silly scribble scrabble (or word verification)
choose other
and put your name and user password
Now people will be directed straight to your blog! No profiles, No error messages! This is for blogger users. I don't think this problem occurs if you use typepad or other sources.


By Tracey Hurst - Thanks 1SmartMom

I am thankful:

For the baby that wakes up
In the middle of the night,
Because it means I am
Blessed to be a parent.

For all the unanswered prayers
Which were never fulfilled,
Because it means that God had something better.

For the wife who serves leftover
Spaghetti for the third time this week,
Because it means she is feeding me and
Not someone else.

For the lonely times
When God feels far away,
Because it sharpens my ears
To hear God’s voice.

For the floors that need vacuuming,
The tables that need dusting and the
Bathrooms that need cleaning,
Because it means I have a home.

For the car that continually breaks down
And the rising gas prices,
Because it means I have transportation.

For all the angry and bitter
People in my life,
Because it gives me
A chance to love them unconditionally.

For the sink of dirty dishes,
Because it means I have two hands
And I was able to prepare a meal.

For the husband who constantly
Watches sports in the living room,
Because it means that he is
At home and not out with another woman.

For the list of phone calls to return,
Emails to be read and thank you notes to be mailed,
Because it means I have friends.

For the children who fuss
Over doing their homework,
Because it means they are safe
And at home with me.

For the boss and co-workers
That drive me crazy,
Because it means I have a job.

For the disagreement between
myself and another person,
Because it means we are
Working through an issue.

For the times when my prayers
Seem to go nowhere,
Because the prayer offered by a friend
Was exactly what I needed.

For the clothes that no longer fit,
Because it means I have plenty to eat.

For the wrinkles around my mouth,
Because it means I have had a reason to smile.

To live in America
Because it means that I can
Own a Bible and read it in public.

For the difficult days
Because it makes my good days
Even better!

In all things…Give thanks! Pass it on!



Day 16 of Thanks

Thankful that it's Friday! Heck yes - oh there is lots to be thankful for today. Here's my quick list.
1.) I'm wearing new pj's - some of you have read my burning bras post. This is my follow up! A size smaller and the realization it's been 2 years since I've bought pj's for myself. They are super cute. Royal blue with snowflakes. :)
2.) I'm thankful for New York! Apparently that is where many Happy Pandas are located. The last few orders I've received have all been from New York. I thought we were growing them big in Texas. What do I know!
3.) I'm thankful that the kids are already in bed and my dh and I are about to head upstairs and watch The Sopranos. Woo Hoo! If you followed my previous TT you saw my gangster movie list.
4.) I'm thankful that I know it's time to go and relax and that my bloggy buddies will understand that I will catch up with them tomorrow. I've got to go watch someone else's problems for a while. lol
5.) I'm thankful that Wonders asked me what a widget was because since I created the Tech Talk - Widget post I've been playing with that cat! It cracks me up the way it paws at my mouse. It's a hoot and thank you to the creator of that little widget that has made me giggle.


Tech Talk - Widgets

OK Mommies this is a little post I like to refer to as tech talk. I've been asked a few questions and I would like to explain them as simply as I can. If anyone else has cents to throw in please comment and I will post it. Let's break it down here.
What is a widget? It's a program/code written to describe what a particular widget looks like, how it behaves, and how it interacts in response to user actions. Here is example of a widget. I like there are lots of neat programs there. I found a cat and his name is Maukie. He's a widget. To break it down this widget looks like a cat, it behaves like a cat and interacts with the you by playing around with your mouse. Roll your mouse pointer over him and watch what he does. There you go folks, a widget.


12 Days Of Christmas Giveaway!

Folks before you go out and start Christmas shopping enter a contest! The online community is giving folks a whole new way to provide Christmas gifts this year. If you are strapped for cash this Christmas season enter a contest! You have nothing to lose and only gifts to gain. Why not!? You can find all sorts of contests going on right now. Check the right hand column or go to the Blog Roll and check out Prizey or Contest Galore. Mark your calendars for this one! Watch the banner to see participating WAHMS. Support a WAHM and enter to win. has partnered with some fabulous (WAHM-work at home Mom-owned) online Mommy and Baby boutiques for a special 12 Days Of Christmas Giveaway! The giveaway will begin on November 26th with prizes given away each day as specified below. To enter simply email (Vanessa) at with your full name on the designated day. Emails will be accepted until midnight central time. Winners will be picked randomly and will be announced the following day on the website and also via email with full instructions on how to claim your prize.



Day 15 of Thanks

This evening I am thankful for my bed. Yes, my nice queen sized comfy cozy bed where my dh is currently sleeping. I love my bed because it is firm yet soft. I have this wonderful down comforter. It's the best because in the winter it will keep you warm and in the summer it will keep you cool. I have no idea why that is and it's too late for me to really ponder it. I'm sure if I googled it I would find thousands of pages about those comforters. I don't have it in me. All I can think about is how good it is going to feel to rest my bones in my comfy bed. Ladies and gentlemen I am thankful for that!


In It For The Chocolate

You want me to do what? By when? For how much chocolate? I'm in! Tattered Too is hosting a Thanksgiving Gift Package giveaway. This package includes the must haves for the fall season. Yes, chocolate is always needed no matter what season. Get it how you can I say! I'll take some super yummy smelling candles, hot cocoa, apple cider and the rest of the package. Go to Tattered Too for the full list of goodies. Enter to win by Friday 8pm MST. Good Luck and hey if you win instead of me, will you share the chocolate?


Super Super Star

It's about time that Manny updated his site. I'm glad because it was worth the wait. While I work frantically he gets to follow our Super Star around. He gets the best video footage. Here is one.

When I get some time I'm going to dump all the video footage I have from my camera to my computer. There has to be an easier way! A new day a new widget, and if you follow my blog you know I'm constantly trying out new things. The latest is from Cbox. This is a pretty neat little widget. You can leave me a message inside the box. We tested it out already. Oh and if you are wanting to see who has dropped by then check out the PMKU - Communities link on the right hand side bar. I'm a huge fan of avatars and wanted them to go in one place. Wish there was a MM widget. Hmmmmm

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Thursday Thirteen

Why Wal-Mart is like it's own small town.

1. There is a bank inside the store.
2. It houses a McDonalds in case you get hungry.
3. A grocery store is also inside.
4. You can get an oil change or your tires replaced.
5. You can pay your utilities at customer service.
6. There is a hair salon.
7. You can get a pedicure or manicure.
8. A portrait studio is available.
9. There is an optometrist and you can get glasses or contacts.
10. They have grandparent like folks to greet you as you come in.
11. They have grandparent like folks to greet you as you leave.
12. They have their own security staff.
13. You can get gas coming or going since there are filling stations on the borders of the parking area.

*This post is simply an observation NOT a post of support or non support.*



Day 14 of Thanks

Today I am thankful to women. We are our best community and support groups. I'm thankful to all the ladies who shared their photos for the baby shower. These women really put themselves out there. I'm thankful to the Maya Mommies who helped me out with the agonizing decisions that I had to make in the process of judging. I'm thankful to all the mommies who come by and read my blogs and journals and leave comments. Let me tell you why this is important. First and foremost who doesn't want to be heard? Isn't that why we connect in these forums? Isn't that why we start blogs and journals? OK - some of us would like some extra spending cash or to win a contest or two but overall we want to be heard. We write in hopes that someone out there is listening. We write in hopes that when we ask for help or need advice that someone out there will respond. And as women we do and I'm thankful for that. :)


Champion Pulley Sports Casual

I've had the hardest time finding shoes that actually fit my Super Star. He has this wide foot and he doesn't like shoes at all. I'm afraid I have raised him without shoes. The other two I put shoes on them all the time. Do you think that might explain why the eldest one took her senior photos with all those shoes? Back to my review - I tried those standard baby shoes that support around the ankles. He didn't like those at all and would cry when I put them on him. His heel wouldn't fit right in the shoe. We took off to Payless determined to find some shoes. We found these Champion Pully Sport Casual shoes. They fit him perfectly and he toddled around the store pretty pleased with them. I thought it was a good match with the velcro as an easy on and off feature. Little by little each time he wore them one of the shoes would come off. Two days ago we went to the park and I spent the entire time putting his shoes on. He would take off running or climbing and sure enough one of those shoes would be left behind. It's in the velcro folks! It just doesn't hold. I don't recommend these shoes because frankly they can't handle the activity of a busy toddler. And so I will continue my search for the perfect pair of shoes!


Burning My Bras?

No not really. I'm just going to throw them away. A while back I was watching Joel and he was talking about dressing for success. I don't do this because I didn't see the point. Where am I going? Post office, Wally World, H.E.B, WAMU...what's the point? Lately I've started to take this to heart. I've worked out like mad and just got back into a nice pair of jeans. I knew that I had needed some new under garments for a while so I thought I would go for it. After all if you are going to dress for success you might as well begin underneath right? And there I was at Wally World and I just guessed at my size (went smaller) and the baby was getting fussy and I just started throwing boxes in the cart. Yes, bras in a box! Whatever, any way I got home and tried them all on. Why didn't any of my friends tell me? Geez, you need something new to hold those girls up! Why? It made such a difference in my appearance. I didn't realize it. I hadn't done this in probably almost 2 years? Any hoo if you are wondering - the brand is Just My Size and all of them rock. I went for the Minimizer (yes bustline reduction), Magic Ring (support & lift comfort), Active (tagless & moisture control), Satin (silky softness), Lift & Support (cool cotton stretch). I know they are random but that is shopping with a fussy toddler trying to crawl out of the basket. I threw all of my old ones in the trash! I'm super happy about that oh and yes the underwear. I had to go for it! Hanes of course tagless, boy briefs and bikini another size smaller. Woot! They have some sort of new waist band I forget the marketing term. All I know is I feel pretty good ladies! I'm always the last on the list but it's time to REBEL!


Wordless Wednesday

FYI - Baby slobber can ruin your phone. I'm on my 4th this year.
What he was doing while I was creating this post.

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Cyber Baby Shower - Winners are in!

And the winners are - top 4 games - Congrats and thanks for playing.

Game #1 - Quickest Delivery is awarded to BWOZ - 1 hr 10minutes

Game #2 - Best Baby Bump is awarded to AMY

Game #3 - Best Nursery Photo is awarded to SARAH Pitter Patter

Game #4 - Biggest Baby is awarded to SARAH - 11lbs. 8oz.

11/14 - Winners are announced today at 2pm cst.
Oh this is agonizing! So many wonderful pictures. Help!!!!
Nursery photos #18 or #30
Bump photos #23 or #30

There is still plenty of time to enter to win and over 70 prizes to be given away. You could win one of the four games and get your top choice or leave a comment at Classy Mommy to enter for the random drawing. The most popular prize up for grabs is the variety basket provided by Hanes.

There are some really beautiful photos being entered - the latest entry for best baby bump and nursery photo are submitted by The Pitter Patter Boutique #30 in Mr. Linky. She hand painted the nursery herself, such talent! We have a few entries from dads and grandmas. You don't have to be a mommy to win. Come on over and join in the fun!

I'm going to provide an easy to find link for the cyber baby shower. In the column to the right you can click the link for updates and see who is in the lead for the top pick of prizes! Because there are so many things I committed to blog about I want you to be able to find this post quickly and easily. Remember there are over 70 prizes to give away. Right now we have 57 entries in the comment section and 10 entries for bloggers with photos signed into Mr. Linky.

There are some beautiful photos being shared! Thank you so much for playing along.
Baby Bump photos - check out Caryn and Amanda and for Nursery photos - check out Michelle and Margie. There are some really big babies out there! I'll keep you posted until the games end Tuesday evening. There is still plenty of time so enter to win. I'm posting Mr. Linky here just as a reference. If you want to enter you must link and comment at Classy Mommy.



Day 13 of Thanks

Today has been a very trying day. I've been working solo which has been good practice for me. I've had to help my Q get back on track with figuring out her degree plans and school schedules. In the middle of it all something strange happened to my Super Star. He had all these weird little bumps on his body. They look like little bites or some sort of allergic reaction. He has had a trying year! Read the full report here. There you have it, in the middle of my day I had to take him to see Dr. Azim. He is who I am thankful for today! He's so great with us both and he just loves our Super Star's cheeks! He checked him over but had no answers for me but I still felt better. At 15 months old he weighs a whopping 27 lbs. 6 oz. He seems to be doing better now. This little skin issue hasn't slowed him down at all today. Thank you Dr. Azim for putting my mind at ease and taking care of my baby.


This is a test - This is only a test

So we have narrowed it down to the feed. It's all in the feed burner folks. This is the burning answer to the cross comment issues. Now that I know what to do and how to fix it let's see what happens when I remove it. What will it do? Obviously the cross comments will work but what will happen to all those widgets? What will happen to all those feeds I have every where? Will they explode into the black hole of the net? I'll keep you posted.

***I'm back!*** All the feeds still work the way they are suppose to and everything is updating. Well I'm still waiting for MM to catch up but other than that everything looks good. Hurray! So there you have it, I learned something new today. You can take out the feed from blogger get cross posts and all your other widgets and such will still update through feedburner. Hopefully someone else will be helped out through my trials and errors. lol


100th Post!

No way, yes way! It's official this is the 100th post on my wee wittle blog here. It's only been 2 months and I've apparently had a lot to say. Thank you for reading the randomness of my life. I hope you have enjoyed it. Now on to the real issue. My 100th post is also my test for a cross comment issue with one of my favorite forums Maya's Mom. There are some really great parents there and they leave me comments but you can't see them here. It is suppose to work but for some reason it's not working on my blog. We are working together to figure it out. So wish me luck as I try to join you with the wonderful crew at Maya's Mom.



Day 12 of Thanks

Today I am thankful for my dh. It's not that I'm not thankful for him everyday but he's out of town so I really can feel his absence. There is no one to relieve me from the boys. I'm very limited in adult conversation. I have no one to sleep with and I just don't seem to sleep when he is gone. I find myself staying awake and watching the tube or working on my computer until I reach pure exhaustion and then I can sleep. It freaks me out a bit when he goes out of town for work. You would think I would be use to it by now. I always worry that the plane will land safely there and then coming home. The children miss him like crazy. He walks in the door and always gets the hero's welcome! I'm sure he misses us too and those hotels and planes can't really be all that great. Tomorrow he will be home and we will catch up. He will get his hero's welcome and we will both be able to get some sleep.


Dear Tooth Fairy, I can explain...

At dinner my tooth fell out when I was chewing. It might have been eaten by the dogs. I can't find it. Can you forgive me? I am sorry I couldn't find it but can you still give some money to me? It was a big tooth and it was on the front right side.

Yes, the tooth fairy has now gone to the internet! We are leaving mommy's web address on a piece of paper and putting it under his pillow. He wanted to leave proof so that she would know he was telling the truth. Posting his photo here was our solution since we were pressed for time. :)


My First Blog Post

Sure I would love a $20 gift card to Amazon. I could use a new Drew Barrymore dvd. I really like her movies. The ones after she grew up and started acting right. lol - ok so the contest Maura from Mom Coming Home is holding wants you to blog about your first post for a chance to win a $20 gift card to Amazon. Since I consider myself a newbie at blogging it isn't hard to jog my memory. My post was about the Super Saver High Chair. I was trying my hand at product reviews. I've done several since but my blog is more about learning and boy has it evolved. I love it! It's so much fun to connect with so many people and who in the hay stacks knew there was so much going on inside my head. I mean, I always knew that my thoughts were random and fast but this blog really shows it! I can post 3-4 times in a day. It's all random just like me but hey, to know me is to love me. :)

Have fun and reminisce for your chance to win!



Day 11 of Thanks

Yes, I'm thankful for Blue Bell, the best ice cream in the country. Of course their marketing isn't working on me! lol - Seriously, I love this ice cream. My favorite flavor is Cherry Vanilla. Those bits of maraschino cherries are fantastic. That particular flavor is attached to some wonderful memories of my grandfather. He passed away in '97 due to colon cancer. When I visited my grandparents he would take me for a drive and we would always get some ice cream. I used to eat cherries out of the jar. One time during my visit my grandfather brought home Cherry Vanilla Blue Bell ice cream. I was in heaven! And there you have it great taste with great memories and today that is what I'm thankful for. If you are lucky enough to visit Brenham, TX go take the tour!


Three Blind Mice melts

This is what my favorite 7 year old wanted for lunch and it has been the easiest recipe to make so far. The recipe calls for "A dash of Worcestershire" what the heck is a dash? Where is that measurement and how do I find it? lol - Rather than googling it I just added a spoonful. Either way it came out super yummy! We were sad that my dh didn't get a taste since he was on a plane at the time. It's ok we will make them again. And now for the review in photos...

There you have it, the kid seal of approval!



Day 10 of Thanks

What a day! I just finished this slide show and had a lot of fun making it for you to see. My family and I spent the day at the Texas Renaissance Festival. We try to go every year as it has become a tradition since my dh and I started dating. For it to remain family friendly we always get there as soon as it opens and leave by noon! I am thankful to have such a fun event for us to go to as a family. Sit back and spend 1 minute and 51 seconds viewing our day.



Day 9 of Thanks

Today I am thankful to the Trademark office for approving my business logos. PMK and Happy Panda are officially trademarked. The process has taken 11 months but I have received the certificates and their gold seals. I'm waiting on one more to come but I'm so excited to get these. This is such a big deal to me because I did it with the help of my dh but basically on our own. I didn't have an attorney help. Well, there was an attorney at the trademark office who helped me fix a few things but I didn't have to hire an attorney to get this done. I'm very proud of myself. I remember being really scared in the beginning but I just went for it and here it is. This is a pretty cool feeling.


Dear Santa...via email?

I know what your thinking but I couldn't pass up this post. I am so curious to know what you parents think about this concept! I got this email about a free Christmas Gift Registry. Here is how this works, children tell Santa what they want for Christmas and why they should be on his "Nice List." When they do, the site sets up a secret gift registry that only their parents will know about. The registry is available for viewing by friends and family via a unique link only they have access to. Each gift registry lists all of the presents the adult or child wants to receive along with links to many online retailers, enabling quick and easy gift-giving and shipping options.
Premium options include: (This part gets me!)
Parents place children on Santa's online Naughty or Nice List for the year. Santa's Naughty and Nice List certificates commemorate a child's good or bad behavior, and are available for purchase for as little as $5.99.

(If you actually purchase something here is a code - save yourself some $)
When making a purchase, just enter the promo code "MOMSBLOG" to enjoy a 10% discount on all products sold on our partner site,, including the Santa Certificates and the Santa Yard Sign.

P.S. If you and your family don't celebrate Christmas, my apologies
So what do you think about the Dear Santa via email? Here in our little town we have the Santa's Mailbox. We write Santa the old fashioned way, snail mail. Sure we are moving to higher technology and children in kindergarten are already using computers. Is this going too far? Are we preparing them for the future? That's just one thing.

What about this Naughty List? Can you really see yourself ordering a certificate for your kid? Maybe a teenager as a joke but not a little kid, at least that is my opinion. That seems like a pretty scaring certificate to receive. lol - Weigh in! Sorry for the long post but I had to give you the entire picture!



Day 8 of Thanks - Ready, Set, Go!

Today I am thankful for my role as the hostess of the cyber baby shower for Classy Mommy! I am thankful to the 45 sponsors who donated 71 prizes for this event. Everyone is welcome! Come on over and join the fun as we enjoy 6 days of gaming. Since Colleen has asked the Happy Panda crew to judge the games we will be posting updates for those in the running here at PMKU. Ready, Set, Go for round 2 as we host another cyber baby shower.

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Buddah Belly Is My Favorite!

Contest For Moms is having a give away. They have fun baby clothes at their online boutique. I like the Buddah Belly myself. If you want to win one go see the details at Contest For Moms and enter to win.


Desktop - I've been tagged!

Laura tagged me for the What Does Your Desktop Say About You? meme.

These are her instructions

Here’s how it goes:


My Desktop Free View Instruction:

A. Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun.

You can do a screen capture by: [1] Going to your desktop and pressing the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key). [2] Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V). [3] If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.

For MAC users: Press [ Apple] [ Ctrl ] [ Shift ] and [ 3 ]

B. Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such look or why is it full of icons. Things like that.

C. Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktop as well.

D. Add your name to this list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop

Here’s mine.

So, what does it say about me?

1. If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain. It is a reminder than I am trying achieve my goal and that it won't always be easy but I need to keep at it!

2. I'm a busy lady! If you look at my right side bar you can see that I have about 10 things open. I am a multi-tasker like Laura.

3. All the icons on the desk top are used on a constant bases. I run several companies from this very machine. I actually am in need of a faster computer with more memory right now. lol

List of those who have participated:
Francine of La Place de Cherie
Chez Francine
Unchained Melody
LadyJava’s Lounge
Revellian Dot ComDesktop
Brown Baron
Money Online
Elena’s Photos
Comedy Plus
The Random Forest
Samir Bharadwaj
My Brain Dumper!
Go Visit Hawaii
Coming to a Nursery Near You
Jamee Forever
Pregnantly Plump
Wiping Up Snot
An Island Life
Sherry at JustSher

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings


add yours here after doing this tag.

I’m tagging:

1. GHD

2. 1SmartMom

3. TheManny

4. Planet Mom

5. Amy

And anyone else that wants to take this tag!
