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A Renaissance Woman


Today's Quote

The mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work unless it's open.



The Baby Borrowers - Final Episode

Is it a shock that after the experiment each couple is no longer together? To me it was a bit surprising. I thought there would be at least one couple that stayed together. Not one couple made it after enduring all the hazards of responsibility. It makes me very nervous to hear 17-19 year olds professing their love for each other and how they want to marry and have children. It's the prime time not to get married and have children. You don't even know who you are much less have the ability to take on another person or kids. I'm not saying people don't do it but....most of those who have would choose another way if they had to do it over again. What a great social experiment this was and next week they will have a town meeting to discuss what they learned. Taking care of the elderly which was the final episode was pretty interesting. My favorite was 77 year old Gene! He was full of spunk and energy. Until next week.... and here is a link to the shows recap.


Six Quirky Things About Me

Ms. Tami tagged me for the Six Quirky Things meme.

The Rules

* Link to the person who tagged you.
* Mention the rules.
* Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
* Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
* Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment to let them know that they’ve been tagged.

My Six Quirky Things

1. I've got a bit of an addiction to Big Red.
2. I've got a bit of an addiction to Sweet Tea.
3. I get easily overwhelmed by clutter.
4. I long to be on the Biggest Loser.
5. If I could change one physical thing about myself it would be to remove the sun damage from my face. Too many freckles.
6. I love baby feet.

Your Turn!
1. Sheila
2. Colleen
3. Margie
4. Candace
5. Natalie
6. Krista


Delirious - Day 167

Song of the day - Delirious by Prince.
It's already been a looooong day! I have so much to do. I have to share my favorite Thursday Thirteen post that I have found so far today. Click here. Tomorrow is the big day to announce all the bloggy carnival winners. Whoo Hoo! I'm thankful for that and I can't wait till the next bloggy carnival in the fall.



Thursday Thirteen #38 - Baby Items I Still Need

This is all the baby loot that I received from my baby shower over the weekend. Our entire world turned pink within a day! lol - After I made it through all the bags I realized there were still many items that I needed to buy before she comes. In order to help me remember I thought I would make a Thursday Thirteen post

1.) Diaper bag
2.) Baby Book
3.) Night gowns with the cuffs that wrap around the hands
4.) Teddy Bear shaped foam for baths
5.) Grooming kit
6.) Playtex baby bottle starter kit
7.) Infant car seat
8.) T-shirts with the side snaps
9.) Dreft
10.) Crib sheets
11.) Baby monitors
12.) Baby towels
13.) Stroller

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Tornado Toddler Strikes Again!

What is he up to this time? I think he is trying to help me do the dishes. These are Electrosol dishwasher tabs all over the floor. Thank goodness they are individually wrapped. I catch him playing in these often. He usually just takes out one or two but today he dumped out the whole can. Don't worry I found a new place for them where he can't get to them as easily. What a helper!

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I Want To Break Free - Day 167

In case you are wondering, it's usually the song title that relates to my post not necessarily the lyrics. - LOL

Today's song is "I Want To Break Free" by Queen. I suggest turning the volume up on this one.

Just got back from the Dr. which also means having to endure the weigh in. Ugh! I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life. It's not pleasant and I'm not proud. I want to break free from all this extra weight. Seriously, it's just too much. I'm trying really hard not to focus on it because then I will become terribly depressed and I'm pregnant so I'm getting over that garb right now! I will deal with it after she gets here, period. No dwelling! On with the day - Counting kicks is a new term I've never heard before my Dr. wants me to start counting her kicks after I eat. She is suppose to kick or move 5-6 times. If not then he wants to check her out. I just had a nice bowl of Honey Comb cereal and she is moving around right on schedule. Next Monday we get to see how big she is in an ultrasound. Looks like I'll have my photo ready for WW. Sweeeet!



Wordless Wednesday - Belly Shot

Get Ur Freak On - Day 168

I'm feeling a little freaky today! I don't know where the focus came from but I'm just on today. You can tell by my Tuesday Toot post. Sweet! The bloggy carnival is still going strong. It's a good thing it lasts for a week because we need that long to blog hop! I'm still getting lots of stuff for the baby. I can't believe how close it is - oh that reminds me Dr. appt. in the morning. Oh man! - I need gas. I'm just thankful for the burst of energy today.

Song of the day: Get ur freak on by Missy Elliot and Nelly Furtado - Enjoy! - WARNING - This is not the edited version like I thought. Adult content!


Tuesday Toot Meme - #2

My dh asked how was your day? After the first two sentences he stopped listening. How did I know? He was clearly reading something he had received in the mail while we were sitting at the dinner table. Awesome! I love it when that happens. This is another reason why blogs are great. I will just toot my own horn right here!
- Fixed my setting in wordpress so that my company blog will now email me when I have comments to moderate. I was behind 300+ comments which included contest entries! EEK!
- Finally was able to compare merchant account fees vs. all in one paypal system. I'm not changing my payment system. Turns out even with all the fees it's still cheaper.
- I did add PayPal as an option on my shopping cart now for those customers who love the system.
- I've got a new Rainbow diaper cake ready, it shipped today for an event in New York! Oh it's so cool. I'm waiting on my designer to work his magic and then I will post the photos.
- I finally figured out a webmaster feature in x-cart to fix the privacy statement and terms and conditions on my company site.
That's it! I totally kicked some boo-tae today! I'm ready to rest.


Today's Quote

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers



Bitter Sweet Symphony - Day 169

Yesterday I was on some sort of roller skating kick. I turned the weekly play list into a sort of roller skating jukebox. Those are songs I remember listening too while at the roller rink.

The bloggy carnival is in full swing! I was waiting for 8am to sign into the linky and 4 minutes after 8am I was already in the mid 100's on the list. I couldn't believe it! So what's popular? Apparently, Target! There are lots of gift certificates to Target and I'm not sure what is going on with all the free cocoa puffs cereal. Either way, I'm glad it has finally started!

Song of the day: Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve.



Hollywood Swinging - Day 170

I've had this song stuck in my head for most of the day. I heard it when I was watching Twitch do his solo on So You Think You Can Dance. This is just a small clip. To listen to the song in it's entirety you can click on the player in the right side bar. Over all it was a good day. We made it to a wave pool and my husband and I reached a new level in our marriage. I had to borrow his swimming shorts! It's a good thing he's not a small man. With only a few weeks of summer left and me continuously growing it's not like I'm going bathing suit shopping! Forget it. And there you have it, I'm thankful my dh loaned me something to swim in. Geez!

I made this video playlist at


Crafty Ideas!

This is a styrofoam ice chest. My friend cut the top in half and as you can see it looks like a baby carriage. She used small straight pins to outline the cooler with lace, ribbon and netting. She also colored the outside of the cooler pink. Very cleaver don't you think?

This piece was made into a flower pot. My friend used different colored tissue paper wrapped around diapers to create this look. She tied the petals with ribbons. I hated to disassemble these!

Who knew I had such crafty friends. ;)


Meet Dave: Movie Review

My soccer star and I went to see this movie today. I laughed a lot more than he did. There are more jokes in this film for adults than for kids. It was pretty good until the middle and then it took a turn into cheeseville! I wouldn't recommend going to the theater for this film. It's one that can wait to be rented from Netflix or BlockBuster or wherever you might rent your movies. Eddie Murphy was silly as usual. I've been a long time fan since his days on Saturday Night Live. Interesting side note - our theater that runs the little films before the previews now asks you not to text message during the feature presentation because the light bothers others around you. Things are so different now. We have to sit through commercials and be reminded to silence our cell phones and not text during the show. Hmmmm what next?



Baby Love - Day 171

Games Galore! - What makes a good shower? A nice setting, friends, family, food and of course the shower games.

Baby Love (Song of the day) by the Supremes was one of the answers to a game we played at my shower. The game was to listen to snippets of songs with the word "baby" in the title and write down the song and artist. I won that game because I'm a bit of a music freak.
Why is she smelling that diaper? This game was hilarious! We had to guess the smell. Don't worry it was just different flavors of melted chocolate. It didn't look pretty but it smelled good. That was kind of disturbing because diapers and sweet smelling brown stuff don't normally go together. - LOL

What is she doing with that carrot between her knees? This was sooooooo funny! We had to pass this carrot around in a circle using our knees. If you dropped it you were out. Once the carrot made it all the way around the circle the carrot was cut and it was shorter each time! Funny stuff.

Here is our game coordinator for the shower. She was pretty exhausted but still manages a big giant smile for the camera. Well done! Kuddos!! I'm thankful to everyone who helped coordinate the event and for everyone who came.

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Celebrate - Day 172

Whoo Hoo! I'm full of good news and if it was Toot Tuesday then this would be a perfect post. Tomorrow is my baby shower! I'm so excited. It's been 19 years since I've seen any baby girl goodies. We are going to be seeing a lot of pink tomorrow. I hope it doesn't rain and that it's a great turn out. I can't wait to see what kind of games we are going to play.

Today we got a really big order and we sold one of those really fun diaper cakes! I have another one that we are going to create special for an event in New York. I hope to visit New York one day and see a baby in some Happy Panda gear. That would be really cool!

Song of the day - Celebrate by Kool and The Gang. Enjoy!


Shake The Salt!

Welcome to the latest launch party in bloggy land. This party will run for a month with over 40 giveaways! Check the party daily to see what is up for grabs that day. To be take directly to the party just click on the graphic. Good Luck!



The Baby Borrowers - Episode 5

Did you catch The Baby Borrowers 5th episode last night? Here's a link to the short clips. There was a whole lot of drama when the teen parents were in charge of the teens. I really thought this was by far the worst stage and here is why!
- No parents monitored their teens during their stay (I guess they thought they were old enough to handle it.)
- There was more disrespect between the couples and the teens were not only witness to the fighting but they understand what's going on!
- The language was the worst in this episode. Again, I think because these are teens the teen parents really just let the cursing fly!

Dayton & Morgan broke up during this episode and Dayton left the show. Morgan stayed behind with her teen and continued the experiment as a single mom. This really isn't a surprise. Take two 18 year olds who have been dating for 3 years and watch them not fall apart under these types of situations. There are grown adults in their 30's who wouldn't be able to handle this. It's just interesting to see these teenagers who have stuck together for years stay together because they don't know any other way and are to afraid to do something different.

Austin & Kelly nearly broke up and they had a very heated argument. If I were Kelly I would be mortified to watch this episode. If I were Austin's mother I would have to have a very long talk with my son. ROFL! It was so sad because their teenager's parents had just gone through a divorce. He was just reliving the same situation he had come from. This couple knew this and still could not be selfless enough to put their teenager first.

Next week they get to take care of their fictional "parents" and I can't wait to watch! Until next week.......


It's Raining Again - Day 173

Song of the day It's Raining Again by Super Tramp! This is a very appropriate song. It's been raining for a couple of days. The kids are stir crazy and so am I. The electricity has already shut off a couple of times. Thanks Dolly! I hope this hurricane stays away. I should not be complaining about the rain. Good Lord!!! There are people who are losing their homes to flooded waters and businesses on Padre Island that are destroyed. I'm feeling silly now. I remember when our town was evacuated for hurricane Katrina. That was pretty scary and we spent 23 hours in our van just trying to make it to San Antonio. That was an amazing time to be stuck in the car with our children and our dogs. I'm thankful our home was still standing when we returned.



Thursday Thirteen #37 - Christmas In July

He was just 15 months old when we moved here. We moved in right before Christmas and we didn't get a tree that year. Instead my dh made a Tinker Toy Christmas Tree. It's on the left there if you look closely. My soccer star was going on the other day about how he couldn't wait until Christmas. While he was listing off the reasons why I was typing them out for my TT post. He's pretty cool.

1. Drinking hot chocolate sitting on the couch by the fire.
2. Everything looks beautiful.

3. Presents.

4. Christmas decorations, the tree and lights.
5. Laying down by the fire and reading a book.
6. Everybody gets toys.

7. Everybody is being good.

8. Everybody is sharing.

9. It's snowing.

10. We get to watch Christmas movies.
11. Everybody is older than they were last year.
12. Baking cookies and writing letters for Santa.
13. You get to see Santa every where.


Float On - Day 174

Yesterday it was "Ramble On" and today I'm just floating on. That's were Modest Mouse comes in with their one hit "Float On." If you want to hear it click play under Song of The Day in the right side bar. I'm feeling pretty tired of being me today. I go in and out of shock! I can't believe we are having another baby. I'm totally freaked out. There hasn't been enough of a time lapse for me to forget about the pain from the last one. I want my body back, my bladder, my brain and my clothes! Thank goodness it's time for Thursday 13. I need the distraction.



Wordless Wednesday - Cookie Snatchers!

Tuesday Toot Meme - #1

I'm filled with information today! I have so many posts because my brain is in overdrive. I'm guessing since it's been on hiatus for so long that this is a good thing. I'm really catching up! Toot - Toot


Tornado Toddler Strikes Again!

I was right! I knew it was too quiet. Here is my Super Star quietly enjoying himself. He has gotten into the battery box again. No big deal we are use to that but this time he got the Klennex out too. What is he spreading all over the floor? Instant oatmeal. It's like he is drawing in it. Most likely he is because his big sister put shaving cream on our dining room table once and showed him how to write with his little fingers.

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Ramble On - Day 175

If you are a Led Zepplin fan then you will enjoy the Song of the Day - Ramble On. This is pretty much how I feel today. I'm just all over the place today. I don't want to clean the house! This is the part where I'm suppose to be thankful that I have a house to clean, right? My children are too quiet, something must be wrong.


Baby Ticker Widgets

Let's explore those baby ticker widgets! I've seen a few but not any that I would want to post so I thought I would post all the options that are available to those of us who are waiting on our new arrivals. You can find these at my favorite widget place - Widgetbox. According to these widgets I only have 40+ days to go! I'm not going to freak out, I'm not going to freak out.... - oh, oh - I like the one with the fetal heartbeat. If you click on the little buttons you can turn the light on or off, zoom in or out, listen to the heartbeat and tickle the baby! How cute.

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Scout Song

Have you heard of this song? I remember singing it in Girl Scouts a looooooong time ago. After a scout meeting my soccer star came home singing this tune. I don't remember this many verses.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey meat,
Little birdies' dirty feet,
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts,
And I forgot my spoon!

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey meat,
It's bitsy birdy feet,
French fried eyeballs,
Rolling down a muddy street,
And I forgot my spoon!

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey meat,
Little birdies' dirty feet,
All mixed up with a pile of putrid possum pus,
And I forgot my spoon!

We'll use a straw!!!



Goodies For Mom Contest!

My First Scrubs Giveaway

Princess Linens is giving a Goodies for Mom reader the chance for their aspiring little doctor to be able to dress the part. One lucky reader will win a Personalized My First Scrubs™ set from Princess Linens (Retail value=$38.00). These adorable little scrubs are tiny versions of the real scrubs that doctors and nurses wear everyday.
- written by Goodies for Mom
Click on the hyperlink for entry details and to read their full product review. Good Luck!


Have You Heard? - $75 GC

Look who is having their first Cutest Baby Photo Contest? It's Ambajam! They are offering a $75 gift certificate to their store. Break out those cute baby photos and email them in for your chance to win. The deadline is July 31st. There is still plenty of time to enter. Skimbaco owner Katja Presnal is their guest judge. I do not envy her at all. If you see the entries so far you will see why! Oh and don't worry when they say baby, that means at least up to age 4. As for us moms we will call them our babies even when they are 40! LOL - Good Luck. Click on the logo or the Ambajam hyperlink to read more details.


Starry Eyed Surprise - Day 176

Why didn't they have this song playing about 12 years ago? I would have thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not a fan of the autoplay for music play lists but this one started when I was Entrecard dropping. I wish I could remember the blog but I could only remember the song - Starry Eyed Surprise by Paul Oakenfold. I remember hearing it on a commercial too but that memory escapes me.

The lasagna is ready and it's time to feed the hungry monkeys. I thought I wore them out today. I took them to the park and made them play outside but that didn't do it. These guys were up way too late last night. It's my daily mission to wear them out. OMG! My soccer star is over here bopping up and down to this song. It's hilarious! I really do love music, it's just fun!

SS: "Mom, I really love this song!"
Me: "You do?"
SS: "Yeah, did I just swallow my gum?"


Michael Buble'

This week I've updated the weekly play list with Michael Buble'. For me he is the modern day Brat Pack rolled into one. I Hope this music will kick start your week. I know it will for me. One of these days my dh and I will be able to dance again. We took a ball room dance class at the local community college a few years ago. My daughter and her friend joined us! We had such a good time. I can't remember the dances for the life of me. I just know we had a great time doing it.


Thumbs Up - M&M's Ice Cream Treats

M&M'S® Brand Ice Cream Treats

Mars Inc. says, "America's #1 candy takes over the ice cream aisle with this fun and delicious new treat. Creamy vanilla ice cream is dipped in a chocolate coating and then covered with a colorful candy shell. Now available as individual treats or in a multi-pack of three popular colors—Red, Blue and Green." We allowed our soccer star to pick out this treat yesterday while grocery shopping. It's a bit over priced for 5 ice cream treats. The kids really love it as you can see by the thumbs up.



Today's Quote

A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs --jolted by every pebble in the road.

-Henry Ward Beecher


Mission Impossible - Day 177

Oh yes, today felt like Mission Impossible! (it's also Song of the day) I had to choose the remix by Larry Mullen Jr. and Adam Clayton from U2 because it just ROCKS my socks. Enjoy!

My dh asked me one accounting question and that was it! It took me forever it seemed to get an answer. Again, pregnant me doing any sort of math = bad idea. I prevailed eventually, now if I could just get everything else in order. I'm working on it.

Then, I had to post all the winners from the shower. No problem, it only took 4.5 hours. You would be surprised at the detail and organization involved but it's done. Now I have to put all the winners in touch with the sponsors. That should take another couple of days or so. That's a piece of cake now that the time consuming part is over. I would say it was a great success. Some of the stories and the advice just cracked me up! Good stuff and I'm thankful for the giggles.


The Winners Are Posted!

If you joined in for Mamanista's Cyber Baby Shower you will be happy to know that the prize winners are now posted. I left the banner up on the left and linked it straight to the prize page. Go and have a look, if you left a comment maybe you won a prize! Thanks to all of you who participated. I hope you had a great time playing.



Unbelievable - Day 178

You guys should see the serious dancing going on right behind me. I'm playing Unbelievable by EMF (song of the day on the right side bar) and my Super Star is turning in circles and rolling on the floor. He is ROCKING out! It's hilarious and I can't stop laughing.

I'm taking a break from my nesting issues. Yes, I've got serious nesting issues. I'm cleaning out the toy room from all the baby toys. So far I have 3 giant bags full of toys. These kids have an obscene amount of toys. I don't know what I'm going to do with all these toys. I could have a yard sale if I wasn't preggers. I'm not sitting out in the heat! I could save them until Fall hits but the problem with our house is we have ZERO storage room. If we could bulldoze this place and start over we would. The location and yard is great but the design of the house doesn't make any sense. OK - Nuff said. I will be sure to post lots of reviews about the toys and how well they worked! Back to the nest I go. ;)



Changes - Day 179

Today's song is Changes by David Bowie. I'm a super dork because I had this post as Day 75. I have been trying to count down my 365 days of posting. I happen to notice that my number system was all wrong! I was off by 104? What a dork! LOL - It's my pregnancy brain. I'm telling you I should not be allowed to have anything to do with numbers while pregnant.

OK - So why Changes? My Gram came over today and we put the boys in one room. She helped me move the beds around so they can now share a room. The babies old room is now going to be a toy room. He kept sneaking in to sleep with his older brother and they are going to have share a room once the baby is here. My Gram is a furniture moving expert and I'm thankful for her help. I remember going to her house and she had the furniture moved around every single time we went to visit. I'm pretty happy with the outcome of the room. Now, to sift through all those toys! Their birthdays and Christmas is coming round the corner so we have to swap out the old with the new. Wish us luck!



The Baby Borrowers - Episode 4

The Baby Borrowers get the preteens and their pets! I've linked the 2 minute recap but for some reason last nights recap isn't there yet. I'm sure it will post soon. I also found the link that shows the full episodes, cool! I thought this was the easiest age group to deal with yet! Sure they can argue back and act up but they can tell you what is wrong and you don't have to guess. The main issue I had was between the two sisters. What is going on? Why are these girls allowed to hurt each other like that? I thought Cory handled it best. The girls really seemed to respond to a male. Kudos teens, you handled it pretty well this week. Next week they are bringing on the teenagers! Whoo Hoo.


Warnings for Web Cams - Today's Oprah

I don't normally get to watch Oprah nor do I really make the time. However, I caught today's episode. I'm really glad that I did. This is a topic that I wouldn't have thought about until one of my kids asked for a web cam but I'm glad that I saw the full story.

I'm one of those parents that refuses to have a computer in my child's room. My daughter likely thought I was too over protective. I made her give up all the passwords and we have the computers in a place where anyone at any time can see what is going on. I'm glad that my dh and I happen to be very computer savy parents. I thought about getting a web cam for me but never for my kids. I have been very protective of my daughter but I have a feeling that I would be more protective of my boys after seeing this.

We are quick to protect our girls but the boys need protection too. It just goes to show that regardless of their age you really need to keep up with what is going on! Keep those web cams from the kids and keep yourself up to date on the latest technology. There is nothing else to do but to embrace it and stay educated.


Steven Humour

I had to share this clip! Special thanks to Steven and his Humour blog.


Doctor! Doctor! - Day 180

Today is the last day to get your entries in for the cyber baby shower to win prizes! This post is going to be my last little piece of advice for new moms out there in bloggy land. Follow your gut instincts when it comes to your babies.

This last allergy episode with our Super Star is the second time I've experienced the Mom's Gut vs. The trained professional with years of medical school! The first time was when he was 2 months old and ended up having malrotation surgery to fix his intestines. He wasn't holding down his food. That's the short version. He's fine.

This time when I asked his pediatrician if the penicillan shots could be related to the swollen eyes he said, "No way! he's not allergic"
"But he got the shot in the left thigh and the left eye swelled and today he got the shot in the right thigh and the right eye swelled shut!" I said. "No! I don't think that is it. It could be allergies or a bug bite" he says.

Wrong! I feel very good about taking him to the ER even if it was two days in a row, at least I felt a lot less crazy the second time we went. So there it is ladies! Doctors may have their teachings and schooling but no one knows your baby like you do. I think there's some mystical power that is passed through the umbilical cord. How else do you explain the Mom 6th sense? - LOL

He's doing much better today and the swelling is still there but it's gone down a great deal. His big brother found a pirate eye patch to help him out. Kids! - Scroll down to see the allergy photos.

Song of the day - Doctor! Doctor! by The Thompson Twins.



Thursday Thirteen #36 - A Crazy 24 hours

Yesterday morning it started -
1.) Our Super Star had been complaining that he hurt and he had an owie. I took him to his Dr. and sure enough he had a nasty stomach virus and an ear infection.
2.) The nurse gave him an antibiotic shot in his left thigh. He couldn't walk on his leg for nearly half the day. He passed out on me and took a long nap.
3.) We were celebrating the big 19 for Q. While we were out she showed up early at the house with dinner.
4.) We decorated with balloons and wrapped presents while she was here so that part wasn't too surprising for her.
5.) My dh was stuck in traffic for an hour while the A/C guy was suppose to show up again to check our upstairs unit. The A/C guy didn't show for 2 more hours.
6.) While waiting for them, all the kids were outside so we could watch our soccer star ride his bike. The little one ran across the street and came back crying. Dad showed up and we went inside.
7.) While sitting at the dinner table eating we noticed our Super Star's left eye beginning to swell. I thought it was an insect bite or something so I put some benadryl cream on it.

8.) He started vomiting at the dinner table! My dh and I took him to the ER while our birthday girl stayed behind with her brother.

9.) We made it in and out of the ER without a problem but there wasn't any real explanation of what happened to him. They gave him nausea medicine and benadryl and sent us on our way.

10.) We resumed the party! She and her brother already opened her gifts and she left shortly after we returned.

11.) After everyone was in bed I was downstairs looking at the photos on my camera. I flipped the kitchen light off and turned around only to trip over this very large dog right here in this photo. She is old and refuses to move any more. I immediately hit the floor knees first and my big pregger belly landed on her back! I rolled over on to my side and just stayed there for a moment. Scared me a lot!!! I didn't notice it at the time but I still had the camera in one hand.

12.) This morning the swelling in our Super Star's left eye had gone down. I drove to my ObGyn appointment across town. My dh met me with the kids so they could hear the baby's heart beat. I took the kids and we went back to the pediatrician so our Super Star could get his other shot.

13.) He got a shot in the right thigh this time. He was so mad! A few hours later his right eye began to swell up. Right now it's swollen shut back to the ER we go.
*Just got back! We are to avoid penicillin from now on. Apparently the eye swelling is in fact an allergic reaction to the shots given to combat the ear infection.*


Today's Quote

When you dig another out of their troubles, you find a place to bury your own.



What's Going On? - Day 181

Today's song is What's Going On? by Marvin Gaye. I have had the craziest 24 hours. I think that I can actually manage a Thursday Thirteen out of it. The highlight for this evening is going be to watch someone else deal with problems for a while. That's where a new episode of The Baby Borrowers comes in! Thank goodness.

Oh and here's some more advice for you expectant moms out there! Just in case you haven't already been by the shower, try this one on for size. Do not walk around in your house in the dark! Carry a flashlight or flip on the lights until you make it to your destination. Let someone else walk behind you to turn all the lights off. LOLOL



Wordless Wednesday - Scottland Wins The World Cup

Guinness Dog - Day 182

Last week the children and I had to endure British Soccer Camp in the heat! My son loved it and each day the coaches did something a little different. On this particular day they had the children bring make up and dresses to put on the coaches. They were really good sports about it. The children had to come with their faces painted. My son's team was Scottland. They won the World Cup among their camp and despite the heat I'm thankful he got to experience it.

Today's song - Guinness Dog by the Scottish Rogues



Denise Richards - It's Complicated!

I was channel surfing while waiting for the boys to go down for their naps and caught this particular episode where Denise Richards is baby sitting for her sister. Her nephew who is about 13 had some of his friends come over to visit. One of them brought a PlayBoy magazine and Denise was on the cover. They kept teasing her nephew asking him if he wanted to look at his Aunt! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Luckily she came in while this was going on and sent the boys home and took the magazine. She sat down and had a talk with him and asked him if he had any questions. She wanted to know if he was embarrassed. Hmmm? Your Aunt is posing in PlayBoy and your friends are all looking at her at your house. Gee, embarrassing? Good Lord!


Edible Arrangements

Would it be a bad thing to order one of these for myself? I still have an Amex gift card that I haven't used yet. I got it for my birthday. I guess it's the pregnancy brain because I really want to order something from Edible Arrangements. I love chocolate covered strawberries. How cute is this arrangement? Too cute to eat? Nah, I think I could do it and I bet my boys would help me.


Mom of the Week

Christine, From Dates to Diapers has a special feature on her site called Mom of the Week. When I told my dh that I was going to be interviewed he said, "only the week?" LOL - He has a silly sense of humor.

Please click on the Mom of the Week button to read the full interview! - Leave a comment on that post if you have any advice to share or to nominate someone you think should be Mom of the Week.


Music Monday

Mondays are great to create my weekly play lists. I find that it's a fun way for me to start my work week. If I can put together music that moves me then I can focus more on getting my work done.

With that said and the recent investigation of the clubs these days it reminded me of the days when I use to go to dance clubs. I haven't seen the inside of one since my bachlorette party in '98. Good times! You couldn't get me off the dance floor until the club was closed. I use to go with my older brothers and that was a hoot too. The clubs just don't really fit into family life but the music certainly lives on. I have tons of club music in my little library. I put together a few of the songs that I use to hear. Enjoy!


Acoustic Clubbing - Day 183

There is a "hot" club that my eldest likes to go to and many of the people that know this particular club are very surprised that she would go there. What's the big deal? Nothing if you are attracted to the same sex. She tends to go with her bf and his friends. I had to do a little research on my own just out of curiosity. Many of the reviews complained about the unisex bathrooms and the things that go on inside. I went directly to the clubs web site and there is a photo gallery. I had to create a password just to see the photos. That alone scared me! What am I going to see that would cause me to need a password? I started having these horrible images of something along the lines of Girls Gone Wild! I'm looking through all the photos just praying that I don't see my daughter. Thank goodness I didn't, but I did see a lot of other daughters posing in photos that wouldn't necessarily make a parent proud. I wonder if these young adults know that these photos make it on to the web? It's a new world kids and technology is available to catch just about everything you do in photographs or video. Be careful out there!

Song of the day - Acoustic Clubbing (a Gotan Project remix)



Babel - A Movie Review

WOW! What a movie. I just caught this one today. I admit I thought it was going to be a bit boring but I was wrong. There were so many stories intertwined and I really liked it. It was pretty slow in some spots but overall it was interesting. It's not the kind of movie where you walk away feeling good. You don't want to see this before you go to sleep either. The story line is full of thought provoking what ifs and there are many great actors in this movie! Is the plot line really that far fetched? You decide.


The Baby Borrowers - Episode 3

Bring on the toddlers! Here is a link to the two minute recap. Alicea finally redeemed herself in this episode thank goodness. I couldn't believe Sasha's melt down. These teenagers should give these toddlers a break. Of course they are going to cry because they are away from home and their parents. Welcome to the potty training arena, this was hilarious! No, it isn't pleasant to potty train but it must be done. I can't wait for this coming weeks episode when they get to the preteen stage. I'm staying tuned in.


City of Blinding Lights - Day 184

My dh and I went to see U2's Vertigo tour when they came to town. My daughter gave him the idea to purchase tickets for my birthday that year. He did offer to buy her a ticket but she declined. Later she regretted that decision.

I'm not sure why I'm thinking about this today but every time I hear City of Blinding Lights it takes me back to that concert. We were patiently waiting through the opening reggae band and FINALLY they were done! If you click play over on the right side bar you can get a better idea of what the opening of the concert was like. They came on the stage and the crowd just went wild. They began with this song....

The more you see the less you know
The less you find out as you go
I knew much more then than I do now

Neon heart day-glow eyes
A city lit by fireflies
They're advertising in the skies
For people like us

And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground
(Here the crowd on the floor started jumping up and down! - It was the coolest thing to see. You could just feel the music beat right through your body. Good Times!)

Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights

Don't look before you laugh
Look ugly in a photograph
Flash bulbs purple irises
The camera can't see

I've seen you walk unafraid
I've seen you in the clothes you made
Can you see the beauty inside of me?
What happened to the beauty I had inside of me?

And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground

Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights

Won't leave me as I am
But time won't take the boy out of this man

Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
Oh you look so beautiful tonight
In the city of blinding lights

The more you know the less you feel
Some pray for others steal
Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel... luckily

Great song and a great concert. It also reminds me of the lights at night in Las Vegas or Time Square in New York. I'm so very thankful that I got to see this tour. I couldn't believe how many parents had taken their children to see this concert. What a fun tradition that would be.


Today's Quote

The beginning is the most important part of any work.




Bless You - Day 185

That's what I have heard most the day! The A/C is finally working properly and now I have a head cold. This is so wrong. We had a major family outing today and I spent the whole time in the heat with sinus pressure, a runny nose and plenty of sneezing to boot.

My body temperature is just crazy right now! I can't seem to cool off and I'm still hot. My dh thinks I need to invent pregnancy pasties. Is he crazy or what? What about some sort of tummy ice pack? I don't want to scare the children with my inability to stay cool. The A/C is working so I am just going to be thankful for that! My eldest is going to be 19 tomorrow. The years flew by so quickly.


Today's Quote

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

-Mary Oliver



HOT! HOT! HOT! - Day 186

This is going to be quick because I'm swelling like a balloon! Arvell Moore is the A/C company that we have been using and the jury is still out. This is day 3 of the homemade sauna. The parts are in but it still isn't working. I may have to take my babies to my moms house. It's not fun. I will be catching up on everything as soon as we can get a suitable temperature in this house. Even though I don't have air conditioning in the house right now, I'm still thankful for it!

Today's Song is HOT! HOT! HOT! by The Cure.



Just Like Heaven - Day 187

Song of The Day - Just Like Heaven by The Cure. Why? Because that must be what it's like to have air conditioning in your house right now! Lucky us, our compressor broke or something. All I know is it is so hot and my posts will be short until it is fixed. How long will that be, I have no idea! It's just wrong. So to all of you Entrecard folks I'll be dropping when the A/C works again!

Yesterday's song was from the movie Friday Night Lights, one of my favorites.



Thursday Thirteen #36 - Places I'd Rather Be

This weeks Thursday Thirteen is going to be about places I would rather be instead of this hot house! The air conditioner is broke right now so any place has to be cooler than here.

1.) On the beach in Aruba.
2.) On the night train to Paris.
3.) On the trail at Fall Creek Falls.
4.) In a cool shower.
5.) In a swimming pool.
6.) Anywhere in New England.
7.) New Zealand sounds good.
8.) Touring one of the castles in Germany.
9.) Another pregnant woman's house whose air conditioner works.
10.) In that nice condo we rented off Padre Island.
11.) Canada sounds good right now.
12.) Wisconsin maybe?
13.) In the water in Cozumel, Mexico.


Your Hand In Mine - Day 188

I've been trying Entrecard and it's an interesting concept but the jury is still out. I was going to blog about more advice for the baby shower game but I forgot it! LOL

In order to stay Wordless for Wednesday I chose a special song to go with the photos of my boys. Song of The Day - Your Hand In Mine (w/strings) by Explosions In The Sky. Do you know what movie soundtrack this is from? If it doesn't rain today during soccer practice I will be very thankful.



Today's Quote

If you yourself are at peace, then there is at least some peace in the world.

-Thomas Merton


Wordless Wednesday - Time Flies

Maybe I'm Amazed - Day 189

Have you clicked over to the baby shower games yet? I love the game for the best, worst and funniest advice!

I have one for you - over the weekend I somehow did some serious miscalculations on our water bill! Long story short, while your preggers have someone else do your accounting. I'm so serious. I've made so many errors by not making deposits, not recording deposits made, paying the same bill twice, paying half the bill, etc... Lucky for me my dh is VERY understanding. He says I'm only like this when I'm preggers. Geez!
I'm thankful that he has a great sense of humor. ;)

Song of The Day - Maybe I'm Amazed by Paul McCartney

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Today's Quote

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

-Mother Teresa


Baby Baby - Day 86

Calling all....Mommies, Aunts, Grandmothers, Friends, Sisters and the like! Come join us for 2 weeks of fun baby games at the Mamanista cyber baby shower. Everyone is welcome and there are lots of great prizes to win from so many generous sponsors. You can view the prize list here!
Just click on the image above to be taken directly to the shower post. You can read about all the great gifts that our mom to be received. Don't forget to join in the baby games. Good Luck!

Song of the day - Baby Baby by Amy Grant in honor of kicking off the latest cyber baby shower. Enjoy!

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50's or 60's

I really can't be sure which decade this weekly playlist comes from and I'm sure if I did a little research I could title this more accurately. Either way I didn't really get to post how our little city concert went. We had a great time and my boys were dancing fools. It was so much fun to watch. My son (at different times) pulled my mother and grandmother out on the dance floor for a dance. How sweet is that? I know! I actually own a cd of Johnny Dee & The Rocket 88's. My mom actually got the whole band to autograph a hat for my grandma. How cool is she? I'm bringing their music to you this week. Just click play on the right side bar. It's the bright and colorful mp3 player, enjoy!


Today's Quote

The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.

-Emily Dickinson


Mesopotamia - Day 190

I'm not sure why this song is stuck in my head right now but I'm a huge B-52's fan. I will most likely have lots of their stuff on my song of the day stick.

MyFlashFetish has fun little mp3 players that you customize and I like that feature. Searching for music is another issue for me all together! A lot of what I find either no longer exists or the sound is from a YouTube clip. I actually had to change it up and go back to File Den to host my own music and then put the url into MyFlashFetish. It's a little more of a hassle but I really enjoy my music and putting it on my blog.

It's like I hit the contest jackpot today! If I win something I will be sure to announce it here. I can't wait for the Mamanista shower - it starts tomorrow and if you stop by to play games then Good Luck to you. The more the merrier.

Today my dh will be on the grill again and the menu will be: Steaks, baked potato and water melon for dessert. YUMMY!

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The Smart Mama - 2 Cool Prizes

The Smart Mama has two great giveaways that I'm really excited about. The first one is a chance to win an organic baby bunch and the second is a Wii console and Wii fit! If your interested in either of these products go enter to win, Good Luck.


Jus Shar Designs - 1st Bloggy Giveaway

I love a good guessing game! Jus Shar Designs is holding their first bloggy giveaway. There is a photograph of the prize. Can you guess what it is? Good Luck.


Busy Mommy - Post Natal Boot Camp Giveaway

Busy Mommy
This is another contest I found in the Boutique Flair community. Rachel from Busy Mommy is giving away a Post Natal Boot Camp dvd. How cool is that? She will announce the winner on July 9th so you still have time to enter to win. I know it's going to be a little while before I can join my local boot camp again after the baby is born so this dvd would really work for me! You do have to be a member to win but registration takes only a few seconds. Promise, I just did it myself! Good Luck


Posh Point of View - Lovelita Contest

The Boutique Flair community has great information about contests in bloggy land. I found this one and not only did I have to enter I had to spread the word. After two boys I'm ready to get back into the girlie world - lol. Posh Point of View is hosting a contest to win a Lovelita baby flower hat. Click on the banner for details on how to enter! I wish I could make these hats, they are too cute and wait till you see that baby model in her blue jean jacket!



Beautiful Day - Day 191

My dh woke up this morning singing this song and I haven't been able to get it out of my head all day. I thought it would be good to just make it the song of the day. Enjoy!

He continued his BBQ quest today and we had my mom and gram over to help us eat it.
The Menu:
Chicken (legs and thighs) in 2 different kinds of marinade, pork chops, ribs, baked beans and potato salad. We also had strawberries, cantaloupe, grapes (green and red) and for dessert smores cookies or strawberry cheesecake. We didn't eat it all but we managed to put a nice dent in it! My mom was nice enough to join in on the water fight outside. A good time was had by all and it truly turned out to be a beautiful day!


Today's Quote

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

-Auguste Rodin



Soul Man - Day 192

Happy 4th of July! Like most guys mine had the grill going today. Would you look at the size of that burger? He was not kidding around. Our mouths had to open pretty wide to get a bite. They were sooooo good. Soul Man is today's song. That's one of the songs we will here tonight. We are off to see Johnny Dee and The Rocket 88's and the local fireworks display. You might recognize these guys. They are very entertaining to see live.


Today's Quote

I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work the more of it I seem to have.

-Coleman Cox



The Ghost In You - Day 193

I'm not sure where my love for the Psychedelic Furs began, it might have been when the film Pretty In Pink came out. The Ghost In You is my song for the day. Enjoy!

Does this button look familiar? I've seen it around the blogosphere. I ran into a particular post that was suppose to help me create one of those button in the side bar with the html code for my banner. I found it after I had already half way created my own. I tried the instructions within the post but it didn't work for me at all. The code kept posting my banner within the text box. I just decided to leave it alone. I'm sure there are other great posts on this blog but this particular code just didn't work for me. I spent a lot of today trying to figure out why and then decided, if it isn't broke don't fix it! I'm so thankful I didn't spend any more time on a silly code for a box.

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Bright Starts, My Little Booster Seat

Recently our Super Star has been moving up in the world. We ditched the high chair and moved to this little booster seat by Bright Starts. It safely adjusts to your existing dining chairs. This allows you to prepare your toddler to eat directly from a plate off of the table instead of a tray. Our little guy loves it! He calls it his "Big Boy Chair!" Thank goodness it is easy to clean up as well. As you can imagine with any toddler learning to eat they can make a nice mess. If you are in the market for an upgrade this is a great booster seat to buy.


The Holiday - Movie Review

Oh how I want my 138 minutes back! Sorry but this chic flick was just cheesy. I am a fan of each of these actors but couple them together as love interests, ewww! There wasn't any chemistry at all. This movie was so slow. Cameron Diaz should have had less scenes by herself. I mean that in the nicest way! I was really hoping that Jude Law or Jack Black would swoop in and save this film but it was not to be. The most interesting character was Arthur Abbott. The coolest parts in the film were all the gadgets in Cameron Diaz's house. This movie came out 2 years ago but I put it in my netflix queue. Thank goodness because I would have been very disappointed to see this in the theater. This movie reminded me of the book Tara Road. The book was better and Jack Black was better in Kung Fu Panda.


Baby Borrowers - Episode 2

The Baby Borrowers - hyperlink to a two minute recap of last nights second episode. Oh what a great episode! Yes, real parents with children of our own have to go to work or stay home and care for them. I have been really sick twice in the past 6 months. My dh had to leave the country both times. It wasn't like he was going to stay home and care for the children. My mother had to come and rescue them and thank goodness it happened on the weekend. It was funny to see these kids freaking out about going to work! The least appealing couple to me right now is Alicea and Cory. I almost felt sorry for Cory because Alicea has a lot more maturing to do. I thought it was funny that she talked about how both their mothers were 18 when they became parents and they thought that would be cool too! Are you insane? Um, yes! I hope this experience will change their minds. Alicea at one point made the comment that she doesn't "take &$#@ from nobody!" Well my dear guess what? You are going to take it all day long when you have kids! LOL - You have to be the adult and clearly she just isn't ready. Every new mom needs guidance, it's in the rule book or something. Good Luck Cory, I hope you are learning a lot about what kind of partner you have in Alicea. I can't wait till the toddlers come!


Fast Times At Ridgemont High

This weeks playlist features some of the music from this 80's film. Fast Times At Ridgemont High was released in 1982. I was 10 years old. OMG - This is when cable wasn't really monitored by parents. I tried to find a clean trailer or clip from the film but it was not to be! I decided it would be better just to post an image to jog your memory. It's hard to believe that this is Sean Penn. Enjoy the music!


Today's Quote

Your children need your presence more than your presents.

-Jesse Jackson



Thursday Thirteen #35 - Fast Food Nation

Yes I know it's bad for you but there seems to be some sort of fast food on every street corner. I'm just curious how many fast food places are in my area. I chose Whataburger just because we are in love with their ketchup! I don't know why but it is the best. Here we go....

1.) Whataburger
2.) McDonalds
3.) Jack In The Box
4.) Wendys
5.) Burger King
6.) Pizza Hut
7.) Kentucky Fried Chicken
8.) Subway - Considered to be the healthiest
9.) Taco Bell
10.) Dairy Queen
11.) Sonic
12.) Chick-fil-A
13.) Dominos Pizza
There are so many more that could be added to this list but I'm going to stop here. White Castle is one of my dh's favorites but they aren't here in Texas.


Don't Stop Believing - Day 194

This is today's song of the day. I was in a Journey kind of a mood. Here's a little list of things to be thankful for today.

Baby Update: She's doing great and has a good strong heartbeat. I only gained a pound in the last two weeks. The Dr. says that babies sleep in 45 minute cycles. I was wondering if this baby sleeps at all. She is always on the move.

Big Sister Day: The boys got to spend a couple of hours with their big sis today. We fed ducks and geese, played at the park, hit Mickey D's for lunch and played on the trampoline. I wonder if she took a nap? LOL - Oh and that silly goose pecked me on my leg! I was surprised. I guess I wasn't feeding him fast enough.

The Baby Borrowers come on tonight! I can't wait.



Would You Wear This?

I got an email from a mom site and one of the external links had this design on a maternity shirt for sale. I was pretty shocked that someone would design this much less wear it. Yes, I'm married and yes, I have a degree but please! Is it just me or does this seem in poor taste? What does "afford" mean any way?
